As Clarisa mentioned on Monday, this was our first full week in the office, and it was a busy one. We’re working mostly on an afternoon retreat that we’re hosting this Sunday for Church musicians from around the diocese. Writing talks and prayers, creating a video, and preparing a program and music packets have kept us fairly busy. We’ve also had a number of meetings to prepare for the next step of the Confirmation preparation program as well as to begin to sort out our work in the schools for the year.

Autumn officially rolled in yesterday, and Wexford met it with one of the most beautiful days we’ve had in our time here. It’s amazing to me how much more in tune with Earth’s changes I feel while I’m here. Something about how much more gently time passes, or having a little yard to plant flowers into, or just being in Brigid’s house, makes me more aware of the shortening days and cooling weather. I thought some of you might like to pray with the House of Brigid by praying with this Scripture passage, which was the center of our community prayer last night:

For she is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of God’s goodness…She is more beautiful than the sun, and excels every constellation of the stars. Compared with the light she is found to be superior, for it is succeeded by the night, but against wisdom evil does not prevail. (Wisdom 7:26, 29-30).

Drawing to the close of another week, and of the summer, I am once again humbly grateful for the opportunity to be here. To all of you who read this, thank you for your support in the myriad ways it has been made manifest.