Our first few liturgies have all gone very well! We just attended the Youth Festival at Our Lady’s Island and had a wonderful time. The Folk Choir from one of the other churches in town (Rose Street Church) provided music and there was a good crowd. Bishop Brennan said mass and graciously introduced himself and many other wonderful people of the diocese to us at the cook-out afterwards. (Thanks for the comment on our blog Bishop Brennan!) Everyone did the traditional rosary/pilgrimage around the island with candles lit, and it was generally lovely all around. Many of the youth of the diocese who attended World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia last year were in attendance.

Later that week, we sang music for the “Stepping Out into Secondary School” liturgy for Clonard Parish. Many of the “first years” and their parents came out to the Church of the Annunciation for a ceremony in which they created a sacred space to represent themselves, how far they have come on the journey, and those who will be with them as they take the next big step. Afterwards we had the opportunity to meet many Secondary School students who we’ll hopefully be singing with in the future.

This past Sunday, the three of us sang at our first set of regular Sunday masses. We planned and sang at the Saturday Vigil mass, which we will hopefully be creating a choir for soon. And we joined the Folk Group for their first 11:15 mass of the season. It was great to be making a joyful noise and singing some familiar music. The Folk Group mass uses Steve Warner’s “Our Father.” ☺ Overall, we felt the weekend was a big success.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support!