To participate in The House of Brigid I had to leave behind my family, friends, a car, and my culture. In exchange, I am spending a year forming a new family of sorts; making new friends, living on a monthly stipend, living without a car, and learning to adapt to a new culture. Why would I leave all that I know and love to spend a year living in intentional community, working for the Catholic Church, and being a part of a new culture? When I speak with my American accent in Ireland I usually get the immediate response “What brings you to Ireland?” I reply that I am a part of Teach Bhríde, a program for young Americans to live in Ireland and work for a local parish for a year. After learning that I came to Ireland to work for the Catholic Church, the responses are usually ones of confusion. “Why would a young American leave behind her country to come to Ireland and work for the church?” My answer is always confident. “Because I love the Church, wanted to learn from Irish culture, and take time to learn more about and live out my faith.”

My personal faith is a constant journey. I started to take my faith in my own hands during high school. After having wonderful friends in high school from diverse backgrounds and faiths, I decided that I wanted to go to a Catholic college to learn more about my own Catholic faith. I attended Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana and learned a great deal about Catholicism. I went to daily mass more frequently, made Catholic friends who were each on their own journey, experienced night prayer at the seminary nearby, joined a bible study and witnessed my first priestly ordination. After four years of personal formation at Saint Mary’s, I desired more from my faith life. When I applied for The House of Brigid I was drawn to many aspects of the program and especially the focus on personal formation.

Since my arrival, I have been immensely spoiled with numerous opportunities to focus on my personal formation. Every weekday morning I begin my day quietly at our house. I have time to listen to the app Pray As You Go, read the daily readings, or read the Blessed Is She reflections. I then walk a mile to the church and pray the rosary with a dedicated group of parishioners who recite the rosary each day. After the rosary I attend mass. Each morning I am so privileged to spend in prayer. The work that is done day to day is focused on Christ. The music we rehearse and choose for the weekends are prayers surrounded by the church year. We work with the local schools and enhance the religion programs by bringing the students to daily mass, teaching about the sacraments, or singing songs. Much of my free time is spent with the local priests, sisters, or parishioners. With this year of formation, I am able to develop habits now and I look forward to bringing them to the next step in my journey of life.

I am so very thankful for this opportunity to be able to understand more of my faith, to grow closer to Christ, and to deepen my desires to learn. Already, this year at the parish of Clonard has allowed me to develop a desire and a thirst to know more about the Catholic Church and have a deeper relationship with Christ. I am overwhelmed by the goodness bestow upon me and I am so thankful for this opportunity. Prayers and love to you all.



Here are some photos of my experience!

Community meal with special guests Father Denis and Father Barry


Views from Hook Head Lighthouse


Gleniff Horseshoes


Beautiful Glendalough



Slieve League Cliffs