In my spare time, I often try to think up ideas for new reality TV shows. Given the quality of reality television, this is not the world’s most mentally taxing activity. This weekend, the members of the House of Brigid had an experience that might parlay nicely into a reality show—I’ll at least be pitching it to EWTN when I get the chance. I’m sure they’ll love it, if for no other reason then that the title is awesome. So sit back and be prepared to be entertained by…..WHEN RETREATS ATTACK!™

On Saturday morning, Clarisa, Jessica, and myself traveled forty-five minutes down the road to New Ross to lead a retreat for eighty confirmation candidates. The day got off to an inauspicious start when we arrived at Clonard to collect our equipment for the day, only to find ourselves locked out of the Church. After some frantic phone calls, we finally reached our friend Ruairi, who lent us a key, but also informed us that there is a new security code that he doesn’t know because Murphy’s Law. After some more frantic house calls, we were finally able to get into the church, gather our gear, and hit the road. Thanks to the wonderful foresight and planning of Anne Finnucane, we were still able to make it to the venue in New Ross with plenty of time to set up, and to greet the children as they arrived.

The day was a whirlwind as this was by far the largest group we’ve ever hosted for a confirmation retreat. And while it was exhausting, it was clear from interacting with the children in small group settings and in reading their evaluations that the main message of the day still got through. We certainly wish them, and all of the children we’ve led through confirmation retreats to this point the best as their ceremonies are rapidly approaching. With that in mind, the upcoming week brings numerous confirmation practices for our community as Clonard’s celebrations are a week from Thursday and Friday. Not everything will be confirmation preparation, however, as we’ll also be holding the class mass for March on Wednesday with one of the fifth classes from Kennedy Park School. It should be a great week—maybe not reality show worthy, but exciting none the less.