I am writing this post from home, a few hours before I hop the pond back to Ireland. At the moment, Jess and I are both in the States – we are trusting the boys to take care of things while we are gone these last two days! (It’s pretty easy to trust them with that.)

Last weekend, I was at Notre Dame with Sr. Mary and Fr. Sean, interviewing several applicants for next year’s House of Brigid. It was a packed weekend, filled with snow and brisk temperatures. (To be quite honest, I missed the snow in winter. It was probably partially my fault that the second time it’s snowed in Chicago this winter was when my plane needed to land.) Apart from the adventure of snow, Rockford airport, and busses on Friday, things went pretty smoothly. We were warmly welcomed by the ND community, and were able to visit with several friends of Teach Bhríde, including the Warners, Fr. Joe Carey (current director of Campus Ministry), Clarisa, Carolyn, and Patrick! The willow cross from the St. Brigid celebration made it safely from Clonard to Campus Ministry, where it will be displayed on the wall. I was also able to say hello to several friends from my time at ND. The exchange usually went something like this:

Me (walking casually by someone in a study or eating area): Hi (friend’s name)!
Friend (glancing up): Hey Molly. (Double take.) MOLLY! HI!!! (Gigantic hug, lots of smiling.)

It was wonderful to remember what generous support Teach Bhríde has at Notre Dame. Everyone I spoke with was quite interested, pleased, and even impressed with the work we do in Clonard. It is sometimes small, daily work to us, but when I told people how many different ministries involve Teach Bhríde in their work,  it was easier to see the big picture of the House’s mission. Please continue to pray for next year’s volunteers (soon to be revealed!) and for Season 3 as we continue our year.