On Monday night, Jess and Dan led the first parent-leader training session for our Confirmation program, “You Shall Be My Witnesses.” We didn’t have perfect attendance, but we had a pretty good turnout. (Dan and Jess are re-recruiting parent volunteers to make up the difference.) They gave an overview of the program, with the topics of all four meetings, and then reassured the parents that week by week it would be fairly easy. Sometimes we forget that most parents haven’t had any religious education since their own Confirmation! We are looking forward to meeting with the group in the next few months as Confirmation celebrations draw near.

Speaking of Confirmation preparation, we all met with the diocesan retreat team on Wednesday night and squared away most of the dates for 10 schools’ Confirmation retreats. We also talked a bit about the content of the retreats, which will include the weaving wheel activity that Kurt and Jess are preparing as I type this. Afterwards we ate some takeaway for dinner so Jess and I could get back to the parish for Children’s Liturgy Group and Vigil Choir rehearsal after that. It was almost like being back in college – we didn’t get home until 9:30! We were tired.

The rest of the week filled up with odds and ends. We are all contributing resources to the Ferns Liturgy Group website. We helped stuff envelopes for schools at the Bishop’s house. Jess and I continue to prepare lessons for our three First Communion students on Sunday mornings. At least one of us has attended several meetings for the upcoming Bell Liturgy and St. Brigid’s Liturgy. Last but not least, Dan and I met with a Kennedy Park 4th class to help prepare for their class Mass in February. The quote of the day, in my book, was, “Molly! Do you sing at the 11am Mass? I’ve SEEN you there!” It’s good to remember we’re visible.