Hello all!

After a great weekend of adventuring with Kurt’s dad and the freedom that a rental car brings, this week marks a fairly busy one for us here in Clonard, especially since we’ll be hosting a workshop for church musicians this coming Sunday. We’ve had 40-something RSVPs, and we’re hoping that it will be a very fruitful afternoon discussing the new Mass translations and how music can help make the transition smoother.

We’re also just back from hosting our second of three “CoCBT-AFF” sessions, where we had a great mix of parents and grandparents get in on a lively discussion about liturgy, and how it can and should touch the rest of our lives. Our last of these sessions is a week from tonight, and we’ll be addressing some of the “tough stuff” in faith, inspired by the questions that have been raised at the last two sessions.

We’re also gearing up for two Class Masses in the next two weeks, so have been into the schools to review responses and teach songs and assign roles to the students. Many thanks to the teachers who have been so accommodating with allowing us to come into their classes!

We’ve also taken on some interim responsibility for the sacristan duties at Clonard as the parish seeks to fill that position. We’re only a day into that, but I’ve already found myself very confused as to what the proper verb form of sacristan is. My best so far is sacristize (or, since we’re in Ireland, sacristise), as in, “I’m off to sacristise the evening Mass!” Any better suggestions, be sure to let me know, as this will be an essential part of the community vocabulary for the next six weeks or so.